Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Have I told you I love Ricky Gervais

From his blog. (Sorry for the small print).

Monday, September 29, 2008

Engagement pics!

So like I said last week, I was so excited to take these pictures. I feel like the engagement pictures lead to the Save the Dates which inch us closer and closer to the wedding!

Plus who wouldn't be excited to take some pictures with their fiance with a fantastic professional photographer?

Well... it was going to rain. We knew this. I knew this. The photographer said, "Can you come next week?" I really didn't want to. Jeff had gotten a haircut, I was having a good face week, I wanted to take the darn things. 

We drove into Boston midday on Friday in the pouring rain, took the T in the pouring rain. (Side note: when we got to the T, it was rolling in and we sprinted down the stairs. Jeff gets there a few steps before me, runs in and the doors close. He abandoned me!) When we got to the library our jeans were soaked, but I was determined to make the most of it. I really wanted to get these done :)

The photographer, the lovely Agnieszka Wormus, warned us that the photos might not come out great because of the bad lighting. Well, she was wrong! They came out fantastic and I am so, so happy with them!

It was a little awkward taking pics in a public place, and kissing in half of them, but I didn't really care :)

Most of you who read this have probably seen all of these, on facebook, chattybrides, the knot, google reader, the moon, etc ... but I'll post them again anyway.

I love this one because it's one of the few where you can see Jeff's beautiful face (even if I am squishing his eye with my melon head!

Jeff loves to dip. I just love dip.

Jeff says he actually fell asleep on my face in this one. 

This is one of my favorites. I love Jeff's face!

Another one of my favorites! I remember her saying, "Ohhh, that's a good one," after this pic was taken.

This was the photographer's idea. No we did not bring the pear on our own and no, we don't normally kiss while holding fruit.

This is hands down my favorite. 

My ring! Finally a good shot!!

So handsome :)

I insisted Jeff buy new shoes for this photo shoot, and I bought heels I don't know if I'll wear again, but it was worth it for this shot! 

Obviously, a great shot. She did such a fantastic job. These are just the 'teasers,' I can't wait to see the rest! Let me know what you think!

Amazing weekend

I have had wayyyy too much fun lately, and with no more 'special friend events' (that sounds weird) on the docket, I feel sad the summer has come to a close. But let's relive this past weekend!

I'm going to skip over the engagement pics and give them their own post (duh) and fast forward to a rainy Friday night where I met up with my favorite girls, Meg and Katie with Jeff for dinner and drinks in downtown Beantown. Had a good time catching up, as always, then I suggested we head back to Meg's to watch the debates, because apparently, I'm a nerd and wanted to put everyone to sleep!

Thoughts on the debate: McCain came through in the clutch at the end while Obama started being an apologist and an agreer (what?). Still, on style, Obama was clearly king. McCain looked old and grumpy, while Obama was smooth. With the feedback they've no doubt been getting in the past few days, I can't wait to watch the next one.  Side note: I appreciate McCain's emphasis on veteran care, which clearly lacks in this country, but how about keeping those veterans heathy and cared for BEFORE they become seriously injured or mentally ill? Like Obama said, it's not about waiting until something bad happens, it's preventing it as well. Side note #2: Enough about Main street. This country lives on more then two streets.

Anyway, everyone was tired after the debate (mentally exhausted?) so we went to bed. Well, I went to couch and per usual, I couldn't sleep. Plus the newly married Bressettes wake at 7 a.m. (there's a 7 a.m. on Saturdays?) -- just because. Oh well, we had nice chats about their wedding and our wedding and such. 

About 1 oclock we headed out to the Cape for Steph and Adam's wedding! Poor guys, it was raining AGAIN, why must my friends have such bad luck? We got to the hotel and checked in, and I picked a winner with the nicest Holiday Inn I had ever seen. Reasonably priced and within walking distance to the venue! Things like this make me happy. Oh, but they lost or misplaced our welcome bag, so that was disappointing.

We headed over to the reception way early because after Meg's wedding, I wanted a good seat so I could see/hear! Well, I got three rows back on the aisle. Take that. 

Finally it was wedding time, and the processional is one of my favorite parts. Saw a few old Northeastern journalism buddies I hadn't seen in forever (in fact all of Stephanie's bridesmaids, except her sisters, and two of her groomsman were NU journalism students). 

Then Steph came round the bend and took my breath away. I haven't seen her since we graduated, and I know she had been on Weight Watchers, but WOW. She looked AMAZING. She had tears in her eyes coming down the aisle and I wasn't sure she'd make it through the ceremony. There was a quick intro, a poem read by her friends about 'How marriage is like owning a dog' (they have one) and then it was time for the vows which they wrote themselves. I had warned Steph to speak up, and fortunately she got the memo, but not Adam. I couldn't hear him! He said something about how he thinks she's so caring that she always gets up at 7 a.m. to take care of the dog, ha. Steph on the other hand projected, and my favorite part was when she said "I love how you respect me."

A quick ring ceremony where all they said was "I will always love you" and the kiss... and then they broke the glass and Mazel Tov and it was over!

We went up the stairs to cocktail hour where they had these amazing specialty martinis which they called "Smartinis" (a play on their last name). They were: coconut rum, banana liquore, pineapple juice, splash of cranberry, splash of sprite and dangerously good.

We sat at a table with a few more old NU friends and ate a delicious dinner of corn chowder, salad, chicken with stuffing and cake. We listened to the best maid of honor and best man speeches I had ever heard, from their YOUNGER brothers and sisters. Good for them.

After cake cutting it was time to dance, and although the DJ was not the best (he was still using CDs? Why?) it was still a lot of fun, kicked off by the Hava Nagiila, which is a sure party starter. I'm thinking of doing it at my wedding just to piss of my mother. Kidding mom!

All in all a fabulous wedding with a beautiful bride and a great crowd! 

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


All of a sudden, today, for no reason other than to upset me, my cable company has decided that I should no longer get Bravo as part of my cable package.

If I want it, I have to pay another $5 a month.

In the middle of a Project Runway season, this is what they do.

I am so angry I can't see straight.

The worst part is, I have no retribution. Cable companies are the devil, and they always win. 

There's a lot more colorful language I would have used in this post if I didn't know my mother reads my blog. But you can just go ahead and imagine if you like.

Standing in the rain, the rain, the rain

We're willing off the rain this weekend for two reasons:

1. Engagement pictures! Super excited for them. Jeff and I are going into Boston to take pictures in Cambridge, at the Boston Public Library and maybe the public garden. I love my photog (abrilliantphoto.blogspot.com) and I think she'll do a fab job. 

Official outfit: Black tight-fitting gap v-neck sweater, new gap dark blue jeans, pink-wedge heels I would never wear on a normal basis, and a pink headband, just because. Jeff is in new jeans, new sneaks (THANK GOD!!!!) and a new white polo. We're not the most photogenic people but I'm optimistic we'll get some good shots!

2. My friend Steph's wedding is this weekend on the Cape and I'm hoping she doesn't get rained out. Plus I don't have to work until 6 on Sunday so I was hoping Jeff and I could hang out in the early afternoon on the Cape since we're staying over.

Also, I'd like to say I've been listening to demos of the new Monty Are I stuff, courtesy of Andrew. I am so excited they're back in the studio and I have really, really high hopes for their new album!

I have told Andrew however, that there are no options for him to miss my wedding due to a tour date. July 25 is off limits, especially since he's part of the ceremony and a huge part of my life. Sorry, guys.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Sleep blogging

A few notes from the last few days. 

*I have to say I'm equal parts disappointed and understanding of the lack of donations to my Cancer Walk Fund (not to discount those who did! Thanks Mom, Aunt Sue, Uncle Frank, Jeff and Steve!). I'm disappointed because I sent the email out to a lot of people and the minimum donation is just $5, which really is nothing. It says on the site if each person got 5 people to donate 5 dollars it would cure cancer or something. I didn't read it very carefully.

But before I get too self-righteous for participating in my first charity event that wasn't mandated to me by school or my mother, I'm going to back up the hypocrite bus (Hold on: Beep! Beep! Beep!) and realize I have very rarely, if ever, donated in similar situations. I am absolutely no one to judge, but I can say I've definitely learned the five-dollar rule. No lame excuses next time. (If you changed your mind and want to donate here's the link: https://secure3.convio.net/tacs/site/Donation2?idb=1452836673&df_id=1004984&1004984.donation=form1&FR_ID=11705&PROXY_ID=8108981&PROXY_TYPE=20   ... I'm more than halfway to my goal of $300).

*This is a long work week for me that got longer because I worked a combined 21 hours the first two days of it (six days total). One shift took me until 2 a.m. and the other until 3 a.m. , which as you can imagine, was exhausting. I'm understanding of the nature of the job, but I still can't wait to fast-forward 4 months and have my weekends back. It will be nice. 

Saturday was particularly long because I was down in Bristol at headquarters to edit and meet the other player who keep the machine rolling (which ironically includes this guy Connor, who I went to school with at NU ... small world!).

I got there at four (hour and a half drive, checked into hotel). I was seated in a room that would have sent my friend Katie into a coma. There were eight 42-flat screen plasmas on the top row, and three 60+-inch plasmas on the bottom, all showing football games. (Including NU-Syracuse!). Here's what it looked like:

That's about half of it. 

Anyways, bonus points for free food (fajitas) although they were sans a crucial ingredient (guacamole). I tried to control the eating but it's hard where there's free food. Two cokes didn't help. Got out of there at about 2:50 and headed back to the Clarion Hotel where I think the motto is "We guarantee your head will not turn comfortably to the side the next day or your money back!!" Fell asleep about 4 a.m. and swear housekeeping opened the door around 9, waking me up. Headed back home where Jeff was really happy to see me, which made me really happy to see him. 

Unfortunately, neither of us were happy during the Pats game. Woosh. I'm not giving up yet, and you can't blame all of that on Cassell. I'm still thinking we get to the playoffs. The bye week should give Cassell some extra studying time to learn the offense and to establish a comfort level with the receivers. My biggest fear? Randy Moss adjusting to catching 5-yard passes every down. I ... I don't think he'll like that.

* I am the kind of girl who can eat the same lunch every day, if I really love it. I am also the kind of girl who thinks obsessively about a good meal after she's had it. Saturday, I went to cafe and ordered a vegetarian sandwich, which worried me, because I have yet to find a good one. Well, it was delish. So I've been recreating it the past two days: Good, hearty, italian bread, hummus, feta cheese, tomato, roasted red pepper and cucumber. 

This all ties in to my desperate push to hit my first weight goal that has been months in the making: 10 pounds. I refuse to say I've officially lost it until the scale reads that number for a few days. Right now I waver between 8-9 pounds lost. I hope to make the final push this week. Then 20 more before the wedding. It's not been easy and I'm struggling to adjust my diet into something both healthy and satisfying. This sandwich was a first step, but I'm still facing dinner which is rife with temptations since Jeff and I share. 

When I ask Jeff what he wants for dinner his suggestions are either a fast food place or pizza. Every. Night. I wish sometimes he would be a better influence since he knows how hard I am trying to lose weight. (And I know he reads this, so I'm not trying to be cryptic). The challenge is finding healthy foods he likes, that I'm willing to cook. There aren't many. Always open to suggestions!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Help me raise money for Breast Cancer

Hi All!

Jeff and I have decided to participate in this year's "Making Strides Against Breast Cancer" walk in Boston on October 5. If you want to help out and raise money it's really easy, just click on the donate link which will take you to my page. The minimum donation amount is $5, and I think that's a perfectly fine amount to donate!!! My goal is $300 but I hope to raise more than that :)

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer - 2008-2009
2008 Making Strides Against Breast Cancer of Boston, MA

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Dear TBS,

If you are going to make me watch commercials for your new lame Law and Order: Goodlooking people who master generic law-speak rip off, can you please hold down Mark Paul Gossalaer and shave his head.

I'm not saying he should bring back the fluffy-blonde fade, but it's a suggestion.


Emily, proud child of the '80s

Missing something...

I think I want to move back to Boston.

That is all.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

So there's this story I've been meaning to tell...

So last weekend started on sort of a sour note.

My best friend Katie called me at around 4 p.m. on Friday, crying. She told me, "Hey, Em. I just got a phone call from Nick (her boyfriend). He got hit and run over by an oil tanker while he was on his bike and he's in the hospital."

Wait, what?

That was about all we knew at that point. After trying to calm Katie down, I called up Andrew, who is one of Nick's closest friends, to try and get him down to the hospital. Katie was coming from Boston, Nick's family was all out of RI, and I figured Nick would want someone with him in a possibly scary time.

A few hours later I found out that Nick was OK, relatively, with no internal, head or spinal damage, just a crushed pelvis. Everyone, obviously, was relieved.

I went down to RI to visit him on Sunday and hear his tale. 

He was riding his bike out of Edgewood into Providence in the clearly marked bike lane. He's an avid bikerider, and if there was a stronger word for avid, I would use it. He rides his bike EVERYWHERE. Just want to stress he's not an amateur.

He came up to a stoplight that had just turned from green to red, so he was kind of in a cruise, but hadn't fully stopped. As he moved forward, so did the oil tanker, which did not, according to Nick, have its right turn blinker on.

Well, the tanker turned right, and Nick struggled to stop quickly. He couldn't, and skidded, sliding under the middle of the truck. He described it as a "nightmare."

Two sets of the back wheels went over his side, from his belly button to right above his knees. That's right TWO SETS of wheels, which are double wheels anyway.

Nick said he went into shock, but he was definitely in pain. He didn't know at that point what exactly was wrong but was fearfully it was possibly something life threatening. 

People jumped out of their cars, there were witnesses, and he said it was like a movie, people yelling, "Dude, you're gonna live. Stay awake!" The ambulances were on the scene within minutes and he was at the hospital shortly. It took several hours to determine what was wrong exactly, the concern was mostly over internal bleeding. Fortunately, there was none. And no other broken bones other than his pelvis. Nick will have surgery today to put pins in.

His recovery will be extensive and painful, I'm sure. But he's so so lucky. 


The EMT that was on the scene apparently has his own blog: http://rescuing-providence.blogspot.com/  where he details his point of view on Nick's accident. It's a pretty great read. (September 12).

Monday, September 15, 2008

I really don't have that much time on my hands!!

Haha, I had a little fun on this web site last night called www.yearbookyourself.com

It's kind of like the whole "Simpsonize" phenomenon that went around, but you know, better, cause they actually look like you.

Check out some pics I did of me and Jeff! (Jeff's came out soooo much better! I couldn't find a single pic of me where I was looking straight at the camera, just half-cocked to the side)

Ok, so Jeff actually looks good in this picture.

This is the best one I could get of me.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Flying by

So if you discount a brief ::cough:: respite taken between year 1 and year 2 ... today would be Jeff and I's five year anniversary. He told me last night he could probably stand me for another five years ... maybe four.

At this point in a relationship there are really no surprises, so it just comes down to someone you like to spend your time with. I'm still happy to see him come home from work, happy to go out to dinner with him, love going to movies together ... and still can't wait to be his wife.

So, Emily and Jeff, a retrospective (this would be more complete if I had more pics from the beginning on my computer!)

After the ::cough:: respite, we took a trip to Block Island in July 2005. It was amazing and the beginning of Emily and Jeff, the sequel, that is MUCH better than the original. :)

At a Tom Petty concert in 2005.
On my 22st birthday in October 2005!!!

At a Patriots-Bills game in 2005.

In March 2006, I bought two tickets for Jeff and I to visit California (as a Christmas present), to see if we wanted to move there. 

While we were there, we visited Sea World.

Well, we decided to move to California in May 2006, and on the way there, we stopped for an Indians game on Memorial Day.

We also stopped in Denver, to visit my friend Sarah (and have a giant margarita apparently).

Moved in to San Diego, I told Jeff, "There's this place here, called La Jolla, it's supposed to be beautiful." It was!!!

At Ocean Beach in February 2007, when Justin came to visit.

On Valentine's Day 2007, Jeff and I being goons.

For his 24th birthday in Feb. 2007, I scheduled a trip to Arizona for Jeff's first spring training experience!

In September 2007, Jeff and I went to this awesome hotel/spa in Palm Springs. It was so relaxing.

On May 25, 2008. Moments after Jeff proposed. In NYC.

In June 2008 at my cousin's wedding on Block Island. Where it all began?

That was a lot of pics, but I don't get sick of them. I can't wait to take more in more places around the country/world with him :)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Where were you?

I'm gonna steal an idea I saw on a friend's blog today and talk a little bit about 9/11.

Where was I?

I was at home, in Rhode Island. I was going into my freshman year of college, at Northeastern, but NU didn't require us to come up until the 15th, so I was enjoying an extended summer at my mom's house.

Naturally, I didn't get up all that early in those days, and when I did, I didn't exactly flip it onto the news. But the news was on. In my early morning haze, it looked like they were concentrating on some big fire (didn't stay on it long enough to realize it was the fire at the Pentagon.) I don't remember what brought me back to the news a few minutes later, but I ended up flipping on the Today show. And I don't think I left it for the next 8 hours.

About 2 minutes after I landed on the channel, watching Katie and Matt catch me up, the second tower (the first one that went down) collapsed. I remember they didn't notice right away and I yelped, audibly, even though I was the only one home. I couldn't believe I just watched an entire building crumble.

After that I went into a little bit of panic mode, I called my mom at school. She said people were watching and she knew what was going on. I called my then-boyfriend who was already at school at Boston University. He didn't answer.

I called my best friend Andrew, who was going to school in D.C. He didn't answer. That was very stressful for me, as there was a reporter there who kept screaming because because he thought he heard a plane. Does anyone else remember that? That guy, perhaps understandably, was not keeping it together.

So I sat at home and stared, watched in silence like everyone else. Finally, my boyfriend called. I was furious they hadn't dismissed his class -- and that he hadn't called me despite the fact that he saw what was happening before he left. 

About this time was when they thought some of the terrorists were in a Boston hotel. Santino (that was his name) decided it might be a good idea to go down there and check out the commotion. I was not into that idea at all.

Finally, I got in touch with Andrew in D.C. (This would be a good time to admit I had, until that point, thought the Pentagon was in England. I have no idea why. I also thought to myself, "This is definitely Russia right? Russia is bombing the US!!" Until Santino told me, no, there are terrorists in the middle east, including this one called Bin Laden who sort of hates us. Once I realized how wrong I was, and how little I knew about basic government, I decided to become a political science minor at NU. I never wanted to be that embarrassed by my lack of knowledge again). Thankfully, Andrew was OK, not worried, per usual.

Eventually, I had to go to work. I kept waiting for them to call me off, to tell me I didn't have to come in. They didn't. It was a little Italian restaurant with a Dels counter. It was a slow night so I got to watch a good deal of TV. Around 6:30, my old boss who worked at the tuxedo shop across the plaza, who I was still friendly with, came in with his 4 year old daughter to get a lemonade. I kept trying to strike up a conversation about the day's events by giving him, "Can you believe it?" eyes. He didn't bite. I realized later, he probably didn't want to talk about it in front of his daughter.

Doesn't quite feel like seven years yet.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

It's not hard to make me happy

So here I am, getting hungry for dinner, craving what I always crave:  Qdoba. (well, guacamole really.)

And I'm thinking ... I wonder if I can get Jeff to go for me?

Well first thing's first, I'm gonna have to call and sweet talk him. After all, we had a little tiff this afternoon (Him: Changing my insurance is a major pain. Me: That's life.)

It's 4:45, and I know he's on his way home, and I know this will take extra work since he seemed upset with me ... and I call him and ask if he's still mad, and he says:

"Well, no, but I am going to be late coming home today. I'm going to Qdoba to pick up dinner."

Not only is he the love of my life, he reads my mind. And he knows the way to my heart (and to apologize for taking out his frustration on me) is paved with avocados.

I know this isn't an exciting story for anyone but me, but I love my guy :)

Monday, September 8, 2008


So I published that last post by accident with no pictures and no editing. Ouch. Take another look :)

My girl is married!

Oh my. What a fun wedding! I am just so happy to say that one of my favorite people in the world is happily married and had a beautiful day. "I don't know that there will ever be a more beautiful bride," I said at the end of the night. Jeff's response? "I don't think I should comment on that." Good boy.

We drove into Boston in the early afternoon to meet Katie at her Allston studio where we would be staying the night. Katie did ma hair, I put on my Kabuki make-up, and Jeff took about 3 seconds to get ready (men!). 

We headed out on the T towards St. Cecila's (a church behind the Christian Science Museum). We were greeted by Meg's lovely brothers, who escorted us to our seats, about halfway down the pews. I wanted to be closer!!! Who cares if immediate family is supposed to be at the front! :) 

I anxiously waited, tissues in hand, for my girl to make her appearance, while Jeff sweated bullets in the church. Let me tell you, Saturday was HUMID. I gave my self a mental pat on the back for rallying for Meg to put her hair up (Of course, it was ALL my doing).

Finally, the processional began, and there was my girl. During the bridal processional, I like to spend at least half of the time looking at the groom. Well, Troy was barely holding it in. Who could blame him -- so was I! Meg was breathtaking!! As she passed, and I teared, I'm pretty sure she gave me a "stop tearing or you'll make me cry" evil eye. I tried to hold back :)

It was a longish full Catholic mass, which I knew was coming, so no surprises there. The pastor was actually the Priest for the Northeastern University Church. He's this really young guy, with a wicked Boston accent, who has to be the most laid-back Catholic priest on earth (disclaimer: I'm not Catholic). I knew he would be able to relax Meg, and I think he did.

Then came the vows. Unfortunately, I couldn't hear them!! There was no mic, and Meg is a naturally soft talker. Oh well, Troy heard them and that's all that mattered.

And that's all she wrote ... they were married!! So excited!

In the receiving line at the end of the church, Meg took the oppurtunity to tell me how nice I looked, to which I was responded, "NOOO YOUUUUU LOOOK GREATT!!" Figures Meg, gracious and kind even on "her" day. (I should maybe mention now how I know Meg? Meg was my 'randomly assigned' roommate freshman year at Northeastern. Of course you all know that your roommate freshman year can do a lot to make your freshman year awful or great. Well, Meg made mine great. Although I wouldn't say Meg and I were a lot alike, we started a friendship based on respect and friendliness. We ended up living together all five years, three of which where we shared the same room. And despite my propensity for messiness, and my late night typing on the computer, we NEVER fought. We still haven't. She cried when I moved to San Diego. I guess I wasn't that bad to live with. I love her to pieces.)

So after bubbles, Meg and Troy were on their way to take pictures in the common, and Jeff, Katie and I headed over the Sheraton to wait in the hotel bar before the reception. While we were there it started to rain, and I was sad for Meg she couldn't have a sunny wedding day.

At 5, we headed upstairs for the cocktail hour and nom nommed on some appetizers and cheese, and started the drinking :) 

At sixish we were shuffled into the reception hall which was BEAUTIFULLY decorated, and found our table. We were seated with Meg's two brothers, a few of her male cousins and the best man. They were all very, very nice and fun to sit with!

It was a four-course (five?) dinner that included acorn squash soup, a pear and walnut salad, a mango sorbet and my main, a filet mignon with garlic mashed potatoes! Yum! Cake was two slices, one vanilla and one chocolate, with a chocolate covered strawberry that was my favorite part!

Then came the dancing, and that part was so much fun. Jeff actually danced with me the whole night! He was getting mad at me, because he thought I was laughing at his moves, but I was just happy he was out there with me :)

The only thing that kind of stunk was that I didn't have much time to spend with Meggie at the reception. She had to work the room!

However, after the reception ended, Jeff, Katie, me and some of the wedding party went up to Meg's suite and had some champagne before leaving them be and heading home. What a fun night!

The next morning, after sleeping in Katie's sweltering apartment (AC, girl, get it!) on an air mattress that left me feeling like I was repeatedly punched in the spine (better than spending money on a hotel), we went out to breakfast. We walked down into Brookline to this deli that Jeff and I used to go to every Sunday. He would get a meatball sub, I would get lox and bagels, then we would come home and watch the Pats game!

Well, we rediscovered the tradition. Made me miss Boston like crazy again. :(

Aside from the incident that occurred around 1:45 ET that may go down in infamy, it was really a special weekend. I hope Meg and Troy enjoy their time in Napa Valley!