Thursday, January 15, 2009

Now playing

Before I get into my movie review, I have some things I have to say about the state of movies in general. Well, not movies per say, but the 15 minutes I spend in the movie theater before the movie starts. We'll call it "Joy and Pain."

Pain: If I have to watch that Pepsi 'What is love' commercial one more time, I may have to kill someone. I never thought I could dislike Joe Buck more than when he's bobbing his head to some stupid SNL skit which wasn't that funny then and really isn't funny now. I wish Aikman would punch him in the face. Everyone in this commercial grosses me out. It's so dumb. 

Pain: The National Guard song/commercial. Now I want to be careful here, because I know some people who read this blog have spouses in the military, and I want to make it clear before I go off on a little rant here that I have nothing but respect for them.

Now, any of you who have gone to the movies recently have probably seen this commercial/music video. If not, click here

This irritates me on so many levels. First, I don't appreciate the glamorization of war. I think it's laughable how they re-stage Normandy and the Revolutionary war here. This is not a movie, it's real life and it's not glamorous. It's a terrible way to draw people in.

Secondly, are the makers of this commercial aware that there are females in the national guard? Three points to you if you can find the only woman in this video. How insulting. I guess female national guardsman aren't as camera-ready or courageous as their male counterparts. There was a girl I went to high school with who died in Iraq. While I won't pretend that we were friends, we certainly weren't enemies and I was very, very sad to hear of what happened to her. And it's stupid videos like this that make me mad that America still doesn't understand female contribution to war.

Thirdly, what's the point of this video? In the words of Kramer's boss "I don't even know what this is supposed to be." That one day you can be playing football, and the next day you'll be at war? Well then, sign me up! It's so stupid. 

It mostly makes me mad because I feel like it makes war corny and cinematic, which I believe is disrespectful to the people who are there. Ok, end rant.

Joy: How excited am I for the Robert Downey Jr./Jaimee Foxx movie "The Soloist." Last night when I saw this preview for maybe the fifth or sixth time, I leaned over to Jeff and said "I'm not sure how great this movie will be, but I think this might be the best trailer for a movie I've ever seen." The way they use the music, intertwined the lines, it's perfect. You can see it here. But it's not coming out til November??!?

Pain: That journo movie coming out with fat-a** Russell Crowe. Let me tell you something, and let me be real clear: Journalists are not action heroes. In no circumstances has a journalist ever been involved in a gun fight. Most journalists are fat, so Crowe got that right, but we're intellectuals, we're not super heroes. I will not be seeing this movie under any circumstances, and you should avoid it as well. Lame.

OK, I gotta go get my tires fixed, be back soon.


Jeff S said...

When I saw the phrase "best movie trailer of all time" I was going to add the Wheels link. You beat me to it.

jessica maria said...

I haaaaate that Three Doors Down video montage war thing. UGH. WORST. BATHROOM TIME.


And I avoid Russell Crowe movies at all He had some early good ones.

What did you see? I'm seeing Milk tonight!

Allison said...

I had a whole comment typed out , and deleted it. I guess I'll just say, on some of your points I agree with you, and others no way. but that's the beauty of this country right? and I'm not sure if you were talking about me, I would have never doubted your respect for the military.

Emily said...

No, Allison, I totally respect your opinion, even if it's different from mine. I will always be an outsider looking in when it comes to this topic.

I assume the part you agree with is my reference to women, since you were very close with Holly, so I won't touch on that.

A few years ago, before this war, the National Guard was always pitched as a branch of the military where you could serve on weekends and earn money towards an education.

Now it's being pitched as "if you like rock music, why not join the National Guard?" I resent the leadership that forced the change from a focus on serving and education to a kick in the ass towards the front line of battle. That's not fair. Those serving now are getting a raw deal.

Like I said, I'm an outsider. And while my comment was particularly directed at you, I did have you in mind. My cousin also serves, he's 19 years in.

We're on opposite sides on the fence, I'm afraid, but no offense intended! :)

Anonymous said...

So....where's the movie review? FAIL