Friday, October 31, 2008
Friday's good for bloggin'
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Nine years since the last one...
Living in California was kind of rough around birthday time. As much as I love Jeff, and he's all I need sometimes, I craved being around my friends. The first year in California, it was just Jeff and I. By the second year we had made some friends, and had plans for a birthday dinner ... then SoCal started to burn to the ground. It's a story for another time, but the bottom line is I was evacuated from my apartment the night before my birthday, stayed up for 40 consecutive hours and spent my birthday 'night out' wondering if my apartment was burned to the ground.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Downward facing doofus
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Photos that crack me up...
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
This just in: Weddings are expensive
Monday, October 20, 2008
Weekend in Review: One minute you're up, the next minute...
Friday, October 17, 2008
From today's ridiculous comparisons file.
Sadly, Sarah faced the same challenges as Elle. People couldn’t see past who she used to be. Why are people so quick to sit in the back of the class and criticize the people who try? Why have we let these people form the basis of our views? Yes, Tina Fey, I mean you.
Sarah is proof that anyone can become president. I can’t say she is completely prepared, but she can learn. She’s the character you cheer for at the end of the movie."
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Debate the III
(This video is Obama's actual conversation with Joe the Plumber. I only wish it included Joe's response! Did Obama's explanation convince him? Did he think it was BS? I'm sure they'll hunt this guy down and find out ... if they haven't already. UPDATE: From Although Wurzelbacher wouldn't say who he is voting for, he did say that Obama's tax plan doesn't sit well with him.
"Redistributing the wealth, as far as my hard work, that upsets me," he said. "That's not right. That's not American." )
An unofficial poll of my facebook friends status messages showed that the numbers were significantly down for this debate. I'd say for the first debate, 80% of the messages had something to do with the election. Last night, I'd say maybe 10%.
What does this mean? Probably nothing, it's facebook statuses for goodness sake, but if I were to count them as a legitimate indicator of what my friends are thinking, I would say it means alot of them: 1. Didn't watch the debate or 2. Have made up their minds so they feel no need to comment further.
I do have a status lingering this morning from a facebook friend that says, "Finally! John McCain won a debate!" I don't know if this person is a supporter or not, but to that I say,
The poll (with 400,000 votes) has Obama winning 72% to McCain's 22%. Now you could argue CNN is a more liberal outfit, but a quick google news search confirms much of the same, even if by a smaller margin (50-30 and so on). Even the Boston Herald has Obama at a whopping 80%.
Meanwhile, in the Werschaible household there was a lot of exasperation ... towards McCain. A lot of "Is he serious?" and "Why is he yelling" and "What is that THING on the side of his face, and is it growing?!?!?!"
The last thought is a low-blow and it surely wouldn't have any impact on my vote (but side note: don't Michelle and Obama, when they were up on stage hugging each other, just look more AMERICAN than John and Cindy McCain? I feel the strong family love there, the middle class roots. Meanwhile, Cindy McCain is on the Michael Jackson skin tone plan and I'm afraid if the two touch each other, they'll crumble.)
But again, looks are not important! (Ha!)
The issues: I felt like McCain was directly lying into the camera about Obama's policies. I get this tax break scenario and it doesn't mean Obama wants to raise "your" taxes. My taxes will be cut, something like $1000 compared to McCain's plan of about $300. That sounds good to me!
Heath care: I was wavering a bit last night, pointing out to Jeff that I don't pay anywhere NEAR $12,000 a year for my heath coverage, and I pay it all out of pocket. So was the McCain tax credit really that awful for someone in my position (even though I'll jump on Jeff's insurance in a year when we get married)? Jeff pointed out (duh) that I pay so little because I'm young. Right. $5000 isn't going to cut it for those out of my age bracket.
Joe the Plumber: Again, like I said during the VP debates ... this is insulting. I am not Joe the plumber, in fact, why are all these idiot analogies focused on the middle class man? Maybe I'm reading into it a little much but aside from the Lilly Ledbetter example, I didn't feel like we spoke AT ALL about women's issues. And maybe you don't feel like women's issues should be a focus. But if we're talking about children, and we're talking about Joe the Plumber and Joe Six pack, shouldn't the equal pay issue be a little more in focus?!
Sure, Roe v. Wade is a women's issue. One that both candidates only feigned passion for. I could feel it on both sides that this was a "this is what we have to say issue" as opposed to a "this is what we really believe" issue. And maybe this is a good thing, maybe the government is slowly realizing women don't like it that much when men decide what they can do with their bodies. And since I still can't really decide where I fall, I'll leave this at that.
Affordable college education: This seems like one of those issues that comes up as "yeah, we DEFINITELY need to do something about this," but no one has a specific plan. This is a HUGE issue in my life. If you were to combine the college loan debt Jeff and I had, you could buy a house! They touched on it, I heard something about "in-state schools" which would have done me a whole lot of good.
Other thoughts:
- CBS' Bob Schieffer did an AMAZING job with this debate. AMAZING. As disturbing as it was to once again watch three white men take the reigns AGAIN (was there not a woman qualified to moderate this debate?), Schieffer asked some fantastic questions that elicited the best responses of the three debates. I was very impressed. He asked a lot of the same questions, but the subtlety was in the phrasing. Kudos to him.
- Was it just me or was McCain playing the world's smallest violin on the rally stuff? Get over it, like Obama said, campaigns are tough. I won't argue that there are probably some not so nice things said about McCain along the way, but it was at least equally awful for Obama. Get over it. I didn't feel bad for you at all, and I think you made yourself look stupid.
- I was glad Obama got the William Ayers thing explained and, to me, squashed. I was more than satisfied with his answer.
Monday, October 13, 2008
... and hilarity ensued
Friday, October 10, 2008
The Trifecta
-- Mick, Sacramento
SG: That sounds like a strange euphemism: "Things were going great, and then I got abruptly thrown to Ernie Johnson." But you're right -- every time that happens, I always think of some 50-year-old housewife who spent the last 150 minutes getting sucked into "Titanic" for the 300th time, and suddenly, there's Ernie Johnson staring at her right as Leo was trying to fit on that little raft with Kate Winslet's big butt. I was trying to think of a Bizarro Situation for this and here it is: If you were watching "Hoosiers" on ESPN Classic, Flatch just got thrown into the trophy case and Ollie was coming in … and right at that moment, Pam Ward was staring at you and saying, "Sorry to interrupt, we're throwing it to Detroit for bonus coverage of the WNBA semifinals."
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Debate Part Deux
Emily: f this pbs crap
Steve: and this means Brokaw impersonations on SNL which is fun
Emily: the question is: do you want your president to have a neck?
Emily: if so, you should vote for obama
Steve: haha
Emily: this audience doesnt look terribly diverse
Steve: what? lots of different types of white people
Emily: warren buffet as treasury secretary
Emily: hmmm
Steve: jeff Schaible as treasury secretary
Emily: Free electric guitars for everyone! To be bought for $800, then sold back for $200
Steve: sleek man
Emily: "I bet you've never even heard of wall street. So tough being from the inner-city, eh son?"
Steve: "DO you like basketball?"
Emily: "You've heard of regulators, I'm sure. You know Warren G. But he's a de-regulator."
Steve: true
Steve: and the blue background
Emily: I keep expecting McCain to put his leg up on his chair like bill kurtz
Steve: he'd rule at these debates
Steve: "Let me tell you a story when i was at the Marblehead Times"
Emily: I keep expecting mccain to jump over the bar and get in this lady's face
Emily: "You can trust me!!! Did you see this new spiffy tie I got. It's got stripes of pink. I'm really big softie!"
Steve: Did you know I'm a maverick?
Emily: is the theory that its better to not answer the question, even though that irritates people... than to answer the question and risk saying the "wrong" thing
Emily: ?
Emily: it's so transparent
Steve: saying the wrong thing is worse
Emily: of course one of those three things will take priority
Steve: that's just one person asking the question, they're speaking to the people on TV
Emily: I'm pretty sure McCain just turned around to talk to the empty wall
Steve: i didn't notice that
Steve: he hasn't walked this much in decades, i bet
Steve: 5000 dollars is not enough to buy health insurance, mccain
Emily: Our best days are ahead of us, John... Your final days are ahead of you...
Steve: ouch
Steve: Brokaw ANGRY!
Monday, October 6, 2008
I'm a good person
Friday, October 3, 2008
Just try to look away - Watch more free videos
It's ... the human slinky. No volume needed, just techno music.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Veep debate
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Running of the Brides video
2008 Boston Running of the Brides from Mike on Vimeo.