Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Debate Part Deux

Tonight I "reached across the aisle" to fellow online sports editor, Steve, of CBSSports.com. Steve (a fellow Cranstonite and Jeff's best man) is a bleeding heart liberal who, when he's not writing angry letters to the Bush campaign, enjoys coffee milk, Drew Bledsoe jerseys and 90s grunge.

Here are some highlights of our convo:

Emily: finally, a for realz journalist
Emily: f this pbs crap
Steve: and this means Brokaw impersonations on SNL which is fun

Emily: the question is: do you want your president to have a neck?
Emily: if so, you should vote for obama
Steve: haha
Emily: this audience doesnt look terribly diverse
Steve: what? lots of different types of white people

Emily: warren buffet as treasury secretary
Emily: hmmm
Steve: jeff Schaible as treasury secretary
Emily: Free electric guitars for everyone! To be bought for $800, then sold back for $200

Emily: wait, there's a minority in here -- what happened?!
Steve: sleek man
Emily: "I bet you've never even heard of wall street. So tough being from the inner-city, eh son?"
Steve: "DO you like basketball?"
Emily: "You've heard of regulators, I'm sure. You know Warren G. But he's a de-regulator."

Emily: This carpet is burning my retnas
Steve: true
Steve: and the blue background

Emily: I keep expecting McCain to put his leg up on his chair like bill kurtz
Steve: he'd rule at these debates
Steve: "Let me tell you a story when i was at the Marblehead Times"

Emily: I keep expecting mccain to jump over the bar and get in this lady's face
Emily: "You can trust me!!! Did you see this new spiffy tie I got. It's got stripes of pink. I'm really big softie!"
Steve: Did you know I'm a maverick?
Emily: is the theory that its better to not answer the question, even though that irritates people... than to answer the question and risk saying the "wrong" thing
Emily: ?
Emily: it's so transparent
Steve: saying the wrong thing is worse
Emily: of course one of those three things will take priority
Steve: that's just one person asking the question, they're speaking to the people on TV

Emily: I'm pretty sure McCain just turned around to talk to the empty wall
Steve: i didn't notice that
Steve: he hasn't walked this much in decades, i bet
Steve: 5000 dollars is not enough to buy health insurance, mccain
Emily: Our best days are ahead of us, John... Your final days are ahead of you...
Steve: ouch

Emily: we get it Brokaw... they're going long, it is what it is. this is important stuff.
Steve: Brokaw ANGRY!

As you can see, this isn't exactly blistering political commentary. Frankly, I blame Steve. But really, this debate was BORING. It got a little testy at the end. I don't think either candidate made major strides. I hope they can pull it together for October 15 to really give it something to think about.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This Steve person seems very interesting and intelligent. But maybe his lack of policitcal insight and weak grammar was imparied by his being at work and being distracted by McCain's combover. Just a guess, though.