Saturday, June 28, 2008

Low Fat Foodage Rave

So most of you know -- or can deduce -- that I'm trying to lose weight for my wedding. 


Jeff and I enrolled in a gym a few miles down the street from our house at the beginning of May, and have gone something like 85% of the days since then. Each time we go, we stay for anywhere from 1/2 hour to 1 1/2 hours. I burn from 300-600 calories each time. Jeff burns anywhere from 500-1,100 (I know, right?).

Well, almost two full months later -- I've lost no weight. Jeff, of course, has lost 10+ pounds.

I'm trying not to be frustrated. I'm trying to note the "way my clothes feel." (that's what people always tell you, right?). But it's hard to get on the scale over and over and for it to read within the same 4 pound range each day.

So what am I doing wrong? I've come up with a few problems and possible solutions:

Problem #1: I work from home. Now this in and of itself might not be a problem, but I tend to work... from my bed. Laying down. For 9 hours on top of the 9 or so I sleep. Believe me, I'm ashamed to admit it. But it's just too easy and too comfortable to do.
Solution: I'm not really sure. Yeah you can say "Get out of bed" but is sitting up all day really that much better? I don't really get an elongated break where I could take a walk, so I'm not really sure what to do about this one.

Problem #2: My daily coffee. I've read conflicted reports about coffee + dieting. Some people say coffee helps you lose weight because it's an appetite suppressant. Some people say the caffeine in coffee is counterproductive to losing weight. I don't know who to believe. I can tell you the former is true with me -- it does suppress my appetite in the afternoon when I'd tend to snack. 
Solution: Well, first off, I've switched from cream only to milk only. This should help right? According to the D&D nutritional information, a small cream only iced coffee is 80 calories and a small iced coffee milk only is 35. I also drink about 4 bottles of water a day, so that should help, too.

Problem #3: My general diet. This is where I am really confused. According to my online sources, I would need to consume 1600 calories a day to maintain my weight. TO MAINTAIN MY WEIGHT. 1600 calories is NOTHING. This is so depressing. So I'd have to eat something around 1,000 calories to lose weight. 
Solution: I'm just not that disciplined yet. I try and keep it under 1,600 calories a day, and hope that, combined with exercise, puts me around 1,000 each day. But the truth is, I don't do this every day. I should. 

So here's where I need help. So far, I've found a few low-fat, low-cal foodages that somewhat fill me up and don't want to make me barf. They are:

Chocolate and Caramel Chex Mix
Calories: 100 (100-calorie pack)
Taste: 7 of 10. I like the ones covered in caramel better than the ones covered in chocolate, which is sort of a shocker for me.
Fill-up factor: 6 of 10. I am taking into account this is a "snack" but seriously, this thing is so small, it takes me about 45 seconds to eat the whole thing.

Lean Cuisine Roasted Garlic and Chicken Pizza
Calories: 340
Taste: 9 of 10. Yum. This is really so good. My favorite, flavor wise, of all low-fat foods I've tried.
Fill-up factor: 7 out of 10. But even eating two of these (which I've never done!) would be better than two slices of regular pizza and more filling.

Smart Ones Santa Fe Rice and Beans
Calories: 310
Taste: 7 of 10. Very good. I don't love beans, but the sour cream and chili sauce is very good.
Fill-up factor: 8 of 10. One of the better options.

Pierogies (Mama T's)
Calories: 360, without add-ons. I estimate about 500 with. (This is for 6 pierogies)
Taste: 8 of 10. I sautee these in butter (I know) and sprinkle with Emeril's Original. A Werschaible family favorite.
Fill-up factor: 9 of 10. It's pasta filled with potatoes. Nuff said.

Smart Ones Mocha Pie
Calories: 150
Taste: 8 of 10. This is pretty yummy, too. It's better when there is more chocolate sauce.
Fill-up factor: 6 of 10. It's about the size of my palm.

Skinny Cow Peanut Butter and Chocolate Ice Cream Sandwich
Calories: 150
Taste: 7 of 10. I don't like these quite as much as the smart ones, but it's a little more economical (about $4.50 for a pack of six). Taste is a little more lo-fat and the outside sticks to your fingers, which is sort of gross.
Fill-up factor: 6 of 10. Just about as good as the other one.

Anybody have any other winners?


Jeff S said...

Wendy's Triple Cheeseburger?

Anonymous said...

where's the fresh? These foods are all highly processed, full of preservatives, corn syrup, and salt. Even though they are low in calories, the food is low quality, low fiber, and low protein. You'd be better off making a skinless chicken breast, a portion or brown rice, and some veggies as a dinner. I struggle with the same sweet tooth thing, and I've come to the conclusion that the only solution is to not eat it at all. The more sweets I eat, the more I want them. Now I can't say I've quit the sweets, but I'm making an effort to eat much less sugar.
What if you treated your work hours at home as if you were actually going to work. Get up, shower, eat, get dressed, sit at a specific desk/area designated for your work time only. Take a walk on your lunch break. See how many crunches you can do while something on your computer is loading...anything helps. I think the hard work you do at the gym everyday, is underminded by the non-movement the rest of the day. I really think that eating is a smalller problem than not moving enough. During the time I spent in Vermont (8 days) I was walking all the time, not really eating differently, and not particulary trying... I lost 5 pounds... from walking.
Hang in there em it will happen!

Anonymous said...

Katie has some good words of advice. Listen to her.

Anonymous said...

I'm all for what Katie said - It's true fresh is best....I've joined a women's gym and I've only lost 4 lbs. and about 5 inches since April 29th. Its about practice, practice, practice, and just keep doing it. It's a lifestyle change, not just a diet - that's the difference with what katie says. She's tortured me into it and I cheat and then I look at it that way -you'll look lovely on your wedding day- don't worry!
Gracie O.